You did such a good job capturing something I've felt, the dissolving of one identity for another and then having to tell people. I love how supportive and curious the people in your life were. You're doing such awesome things that seem to bring you alive, so happy for you!

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thank you so much michelle! appreciate your support along this journey <3

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this article speaks to a phenomenon I've been grappling with deeply! I think the key to moving through life fully aligned to my values and needs will be related to how well I can let go of others' judgement, ingrained 'high achiever' expectations, and 'elite' pursuits/organizations

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100%- those things are so important, but it can be so hard to let go of other people's expectations, esp if that's grounded us for most of our lives. thank you for reading/commenting, and i hope that you've found some grounding regarding this topic in your journey :)

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Every time I read your wisdom, it resonates more than I can articulate. I think the connection between a (relatively ) static physical “place” (/“home”) and a constantly dynamic emotional landscape makes for a fascinating exploration. I love that you found some ease in SF and I am certain you had more of an impact on that ML tech bro than he could admit in realtime. He’s probably drinking a Dancing Water pondering it right now :) Thank you for being such an inspiration. Keep following *your* path — you’re holding a lantern for so many of us to follow ours.

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awww thank you marisa! wisdom is such a kind word to put it- i like to say it's my unfiltered thoughts hah. i love the way you phrased it- there's definitely emotions associated with places (esp if those places were home to certain stages/seasons of our live). i'm grateful to have the support of such wonderful folks as i figure this stage of my life out :)

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Nice reading your journey Vinamrata! I appreciate you sharing and the vulberability :)

Glad you're pursuing what resonates with you and I hope to continue doing the same😄

Looking forward to future pieces!

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thank you so much kiran! looking forward to sharing more with ya :)

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Great piece of writing once again

Healing is an important step towards personal growth and you are on your way

Remember Robert Frost

“Woods are lovely ,dark and deep and I have promises to keep and miles to go before….”

Good luck

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thank you mom. couldn't have gotten this far without your love, support, and understanding <3

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Thanks for sharing. I enjoy reading your post as always.

When I was in tech, I too constantly went above and beyond in an effort to prove that I belonged to that level/role/team/company. I think it was caused by having the imposter syndrome. Eventually, it led to burnout and my break from tech.

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thank you thuc! i definitely empathize with you re: imposter syndrome. that's definitely been true for me as well. i'm slowly unwinding/peeling back those layers. definitely a journey though.

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“Vinamrata, I hope that you realize that you have nothing left to prove. Not with your wedding, your career, or anything. You’re awesome just as you are”

Really? Wow. Lucky you!

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i definitely have a lot of gratitude to a) have people like that in my life and b) have the means to see them again and c) for them to share this with me so openly. i will remember those interactions forever!

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Imagine how you would feel in 20 yrs time, had you not chosen to follow your heart? I look back after decades, leaping into the abyss again and again, recalling the proud successes and with raucous humor the blundering failures! All good. Nothing replaces a life well lived.

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100%: it's easy to get caught up in the day to day interactions. It's only when we look at things over a long period of time that we realize how far we've come / where we're meant to be. this is helpful perspective, thank you for sharing!

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