"You don’t have to overcome every challenge put in front of you.". OOF. That resonates. At both jobs I left this year, managers told me: "This is just a challenge you could decide to face here, or walk away from but likely face somewhere else."

Well, deep in similar anxiety you described about being the perfect PM (but with everything feeling like I was swimming against current), I'm SO happy to report I decided to NOT face that challenge and everything has been going for the best since then 😅

I've learned that quitting is one of the most powerful self-care actions one can take when it's logistically possible, and I've been proud of every single time I've quit ❤️

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I love that!!! So proud that you decided to quit (and not listen to those managers) and did what's best for you. It can be so hard to communicate this in a job interview or any formal context, but the real ones do getit.

I'm also very excited about what you're doing next as I think it's going to be incredible. I love the passion, thoughtfulness, and creativity you're bringing into this and I can't wait to see where it goes next. So glad we met over a random cold LinkedIn 😅

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Oh my goodness, thanks so much for the support and kind words ❤️ I'm just as grateful for our random connection, I have a feeling it's going to be a lasting one ✨👯‍♀️💕

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